Tarab Ling

Tarab Ling is our sister organisation. The only institute with accommodation and teaching facilities

tarab ling MILESTONES

brief history of
Tarab Ling institute

Land acquired

11 km outside Dehradun by the Baldi River overlooking the foothills of the Himalayas..





start construction

Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche, laid down the foundation stone for the project.


Inauguration of the main part of Tarab Ling Institute was held in November 2014.






Remaining guest house and staff facilities was completed in 2015


Tarab Ling Association

Tarab Ling Association was established in 1999 by Tarab Tulku Rinpoche

our main objectives

  • Make available the universalities of the Ancient Indian Inner Science of Mind and Reality (in reference to Ancient Nalanda University) and its relationship with contemporary science;
  • Teach the implications and implementation of these universalities to meet the most urgent problems in the modern world and to shoulder universal responsibilities.
  • Support human development through insight into the interrelated nature Pratityasamutpada (tendrel/tenjung).
  • Create peace by developing love and compassion between individuals, peoples, and faiths
  • Support harmony between man and nature.

Tarab Ling Practical information

Practical information about

  • Tarab Ling,
  • accommodation,
  • preparation for India travel,
  • travel
  • and more.

Renting of
Tarab Ling campus

Information about

  • Tarab Ling Study and Research institute,
  • different buildings/accommodation,
  • how to rent.

Tarab Ling Facilitating trekking and outings

In the following you can see some suggestions for trekking in the higher mountains.

There are also very nice walks all year round out of Tarab Ling for half a day or a full day to nearby hills, villages and waterfalls. Or you may take walks out from the nearby hill station, Mussoorie, and spend a night or two there.

Tarab Ling Association

Members of the board of Tarab Ling Association

Nrip Singh Napalchyal


Former Chief Secretary of Uttarakhand (02.12.2009 – 12.09.2010).

Jayant Dwarkadas

Vice President

Vice-president of the Tarab Ling Association, Financial advisor to Tarab Ling, Lawyer and Financial planner

Samdhong Rinpoche portrait

Prof.Dr Samdhong Rinpoche


Lharampa Geshe /PhD. Chancellor of the Sanchi University of Buddhist-Indic Studies in Madhya Pradesh.

J.M. Singhal


Advocate to the Supreme Court

Kalsang Yeshe


Former Director of Norbu Lingkha institute of Arts. Retired

Madhavilatha Maganti-Kari


Assistant professor of Psychology, Ashoka University

Poornaprajna Kulkarni


M.Sc. Degree in Applied Psychology from Pondicherry Central University with a specialization in Neuropsychology and Cognitive Sciences.

Norbu Wangchuk

General Secretary
and treasurer

General Secretary and treasurer of Tarab Ling. Master degree in history and political science