U.D. Module I:
Science of Mind, Experience and Existence
Module I lay the foundation for knowing our own system of body, mind and reality. This is done through presenting ancient Inner-science views of the main Schools, introducing an increasingly profound and radical view of the interrelated nature of body, mind and reality.
Courses: This module consists of 4 courses of 5-days with teaching, practices and discussions every 4th month, and three weekend courses based on relevant themes for everyday life.
Between courses: group work, individual sessions and studies.
Time frame Module I: 15 month.
Week 1: Vaibhāṣika
Vaibhāṣika-studies open up to the differentiation made in the inner-sciences of 6 perceptive capacities and connected experiences that we normally use but tend not to differentiate in our modern view. By means of exercises we learn how these insights can give first-hand experience of interrelatedness between subject (mind) and object (experience and reference),
opening up possibilities to actively influence which ‘mind’ we use and therefore which reality becomes accessible for us. For this we will study Vasubandhu’s compilation of “Abhidharmakośa”, an exposition of ancient eastern psychology and philosophy, based on extracts and helped by explanations from Tarab Rinpoche.
Week 2: Sautrāntika
Sautrāntika-studies are following the famous Nalanda University scholar and yogi, Dharmakīrti, who in his “Pramāṇavārttikam” analysed the nature of the conceptual mind and corresponding conceptual reality, explaining brilliantly and in a totally new way how we abstract. We get insight into the functioning of conceptual mind and its reality of ideas, and how they differ from sense minds and sense reality.
Experiencing this in exercises, enables us to get into a balanced use of language and non-language perceptions. This in turn is imperative for becoming a harmoniously grounded person, and for personal and spiritual development. These first two courses lay the ground for an empowering insight that when applied could make a remarkably positive effect to our way of being.
Week 3: Yogācāra
Yogācāra-studies introduce the evolution of existence from the unity level into more and more dual states, up to our individual existence as human beings with our perceptive capacities and realities. We enter into our studies with help of two outstanding Indian scholars Asaṅga and Vasubandhu and their texts: Mahāyānasamgraha and Triṃśikakārikā respectively. Their insights help us to open to a deep interrelated nature of all existence, including the personal level and taking us far beyond this. They are giving food for thought on many of today’s questions on the nature of the potential field of existence.
Also, they make us realize how we are part and parcel of the interrelated web of evolutionary unfoldments of all existences, including interrelated and entwined development of ‘mind’ and ‘matter’. This material is not only making transparent the backbone of meditative transformation in regard to spiritual paths, but it also makes us more aware of how caring for ourselves and caring for our planet are deeply entwined.
Week 4: Mādhyamaka
Mādhyamaka-studies offer surprisingly modern analysis of the fundamental nature of the inherent laws of existence at all levels of being. We follow Nāgārjuna with his Mūlamādhyamaka and Candrakīrti with his Mādhyamakāvatāra, both Nalanda scholars and yogis. The laws of existence presented here correlate with modern science and Madhyamaka is complementing them by the deep insight into the relational nature of everything existing, and equally to the subject side as to the object side. In this context, Tarab Rinpoche highlights how Subject-Object, Body-Mind and Energy (potential-field)-Matter, are pairs of opposites, which are at the same time in unity.
By this he demonstrates how unity and duality in regard to everything existing are not just separate but simultaneously inseparable. Understanding and gaining insight in our own personal experience how everything is relational with no final reference, could render transparent our genuine self-empowering capacities, and open up to understanding of the deep levels of meditation on the essence of ourselves and the universe.
Individual sessions
2 individual UD Sessions (1 hour/session) for implementation of the material taught.
Written assignment
Answering of questions on the four Schools of Inner-science with all notes
and teaching material available, followed by discussion in plenum.
weekend courses
aimed at improving daily life
List of events module I: