Tarab Tulku XI –
Tarab Tulku Rinpoche


Tarab Tulku Ngawang Losang. Lharampa Geshe and Dr Phil. (1934-2004).
Tarab Tulku, Tibetan Reincarnation Lama, concluded his studies in Indo-Tibetan Psychology, Philosophy/Inner-science of Mind and Existence in Tibet with the highest academic degree of Lharampa Geshe. Tarab Rinpoche fled from Tibet in 1959, he was Director of Tibet House in New Delhi, India (1963-1965), a lecturer at Copenhagen University and Research Librarian at the Royal Library of Copenhagen (1960-1963 and 1965-2000).

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Genius work for humanity

In order to render ancient Indo-Tibetan knowledge accessible and applicable for modern society, in the belief that this is common human heritage and should be available for all, beyond cultural and religious borders, Rinpoche extracted its universalities. He then developed UNITY IN DUALITY Science of Mind and Existence and Personal Development as well as Spiritual and Therapeutic Application.

Incorporating all of these subjects, Rinpoche established a four-year education in UNITY IN DUALITY together with Lene Handberg, which they taught at the Tarab Institutes in several European capitals.
Tarab Tulku Rinpoche gave lectures at many International Conferences in Buddhist Philosophy/Psychology, as well as UNITY IN DUALITY Workshops and Trainings around the world tirelessly.


Biographical Background for Unity in Duality written by By Tarab Tulku Rinpoche


Besides various publications in Tibetan language, Rinpoche’s English publications include: ‘Catalogue of Tibetan Manuscripts and Xylographs’, Vol. I-II, Curzon, Richmond, Surrey Press/Royal Library, Copenhagen 2000; ‘A Brief History of Academic Degrees in Buddhist Philosophy’, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen 2000; as well as articles on Tibetan Language and on Buddhist philosophy/psychology published in various international journals.

Rinpoche finished a work in Tibetan on Unity in Duality just before his passing, which is published in Dharamsala under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and in 2014 in Dehradun, Tarab Ling. It was translated into English in 2014, Tarab Ling, Dehradun, “Brilliant Rays of Interrelated Nature” ISBN: 978-93-5104-111-5.

Rinpoche is also co-Author and co-Editor of the book “Einheit in der Vielfald” 2005, Theseus Verlag, ISBN 3-89620-250-2, published in English in 2014, Unity in Duality, Pratītyasamutpāda/Tendrel Conference Munich 2002.

Rinpoche’s Dream Wisdom was written by Lene Handberg and published by Tarab Institute International (TII), 2014; which in a more comprehensive edition was rewritten by Lene Handberg, 2022, Lucid Dream Wisdom, UD Publication, ISBN 978-87-93289-04-8. A whole range of books based on Rinpoche’s genius works, presenting the universalities carrying the insight and practices of the Eastern Inner-sciences, as taught in the Unity in Duality Education, are well on their way.